The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

THURSDAY, JULY 30. 1938 THE TIMES RECORDER. ZANESVILLE. OHIO NINE Current News Events In Neighboring Towns In Southeastern Ohio W.C.T.U. Will Hold Institute At Dresden, O.

Big Meeting Is Planned for Friday at the Home of Mrs. Pigman DRESDEN, July 29-W. C. T. U.

institute will be held Friday at the home of Mrs. H. K. Pigman. The program 15 as follows: 10:30 song, "America the devotions, Mrs.

to. Belle Trinway W. C. T. activities, Mrs.

Altonia Ensyel; scng. "Beautiful Hour of Noontide'; pot luck dinner at noon, with session at 1:30 crusade, devotionals, afternoon, Rev. W. B. Patterson; solo, Mrs.

William Perry; talk, "Our Present Need," F. D. Ring. county superintendent of schools; music, Trinway division of T. play, "Silver Bullets," cast, Grandma Lundstrum, Alta King; Mrs Molly Lundstrum, Ruth Lane; Ann Lundstrum, Hazel Wright.

Dresden Locals Mrs. Ella Comer Bagent and daughMrs Hattie Fleming, Mrs. Mary and daughters, Marian and Virginia, Columbus, visited Mrs. Kate Roney and other relatives Saturday, July 25. Carrie and Florence Little have returned home following A visit with their aunt and uncle, Mr.

and Mrs. Earl Little, Sonora. Miss Rita Mattingly, Zanesville, 1s spending the week with her grandmother, Mrs. Josephine Shafer, Third street. Mrs.

Minnie Hamilton, Zanesville, spent Tuesday with her uncle, Dan J. Comer, who is confined to his home with illness. Dalton King has returned to his home after a visit in Irville with his cousing Dallas Wollard. Willard Davis, McConnelsville, spent a few days recently at the home of his son, Fred Davis. Miss Elnora Little is visiting her grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. P. C. Thomas, Adamsville. Efforts to Give Miners WPA Aid Hit Snags in Co.

Commissioner T. J. Price Refuses To Sanction Proposal of Surveyor NEW LEXINGTON- Complications developed Wednesday as the program to place an additional 200 men to work on W.P.A. projects, to give temporary relief to unemployed coal piners and others, was to get undervoy. The county commissioners failed to appropriate funds for two road projects especially devised to give 80 men employment in the territories most affected by the closing of coal mines.

John W. Taylor, county surveyor, who worked with district W.P.A. representatives from Zanesville, in getting the new projects through as an emergency measure, presented them to the commissioners Wednesday for their approval which necessitated an appropriation of $1,600, representing the sponsor's share. The requisition was signed by Commissioner F. L.

Anspach, but when the commissioners adjourned their meeting, the second signature necessary to authorize the appropriation was still lacking. Commissioner T. J. Price, in this instance and 1n regard to several other appropriations which came before the board during the meeting, stated he would not sign up for any more road improvements until his township first derived a benefit. He stated "the northern part of the county seems to be getting everything and the south nothing." Commissioner James T.

Murray was also concerned foremost about other projects, but did not make a statement. Taylor proposed to improve the road leading from this city through Wilbren to McLuney, and that starting at the Fred West hill leading to Sayre, as the roads were carefully located for unemployed miners in Clayton, Harrison and Bearfleld townships. New certification for additional laborers, were also coming through slower than expected, but were expected to be increased rapidly. Lore City Woman Is Ill at Hospital Other Brief Notes of Interest LORE -Relatives here have received word of the serious illness of Mrs. Irwin Black, who is a patient In Bethesda hospital, Zanesville.

Mrs. Edna Murgatroyd, former resident of Lore City, who recently underwent an operation at Bethesda hospital 18 reported improving. Mrs. Louise Gregg and daughter, Waldine, have returned to their home in California after visiting the former's sister, Miss Madge Lowry. Mrs.

Robert Campbell and daughters. Betty Jean and Flora Lee of Shadyside are spending the week here with relatives. Lois Marlene Seebach 18 visiting her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson in Steubenville.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Warden of Cambridge visited Mr. and Mrs. Myron Dingus recently, Mrs.

Edgar Comstock and sons Wayne and Leonard of Madison, are guests of her sister, Mrs. Leslie Redd and family. Attend Reunion Several persons from here attended: the Guernsey Works Picnic for employes and their families and guests nt the City Park in Cambridge urday. FILES IN BANKRUPTCY petition in bankruptcy was filed Wednesday by H. E.

Buof this city. Assets were listed et $53,034 and liabilities at 658,304. To Float Bond Issue at New Straitsville NEW LEXINGTON Negotiations are reported under way for the floating of a bond issue New Straitsville to provide a water supply system there similar to that proposCorning Which, is being promoted through co-operation WPA. Plan Program For Homecoming At Barnesville Huber Baby Dies in Wheeling Hospital on Wednesday Morning BARNESVILLE, July 29-Following 15 the daily program for the local homecoming the week of August 9-16. Sunday, homecoming in the churches.

Sermons by former ministers. Monday, registration of guests. Free auto tour of industrial plants points of interest visitors. Fraternal order homecoming in the evening. Tuesday, Jersey Field Day at Rogers Special farm, morning and afternoon with family basket dinner at noon.

Homecoming reception at Community center, afternoon and evening, followed by fireworks display at city park at night. Wednesday, Soap Box Derby and bicycle races in afternoon. Historical pageant at city park in evening. First drawing in merchants $200 homecoming award. Thursday, big street parade.

Flower show all day at Community center. Baseball game city park. Mardi Gras in evening oll Central Main street. Second drawing in merchants homecoming award. Friday, Flower show, second day, Baseball game in afternoon.

School band at city park. Third merchants homecoming award drawing. Saturday, final drawing merchants homecoming award. Huber Baby Dies Jerome P. Huber, one-month-old son of Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Huber, this city, died in Ohio Valley General hospital at Wheeling at 7:45 Wednesday morning after being given medical treatment since July 4. Private services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Campbell mortuary with Rev. S. E.

LaFollette of the First M. E. church in charge. Burial will be made in Northern cemetery, No New Teachers No new teachers have assigned in the local schools, Principal been, Silas Warfield has stated. Although one instructor, Miss Catherine Ebert, has been offered a position as commercial instructor in the schools this fall, she has not yet tendered her resignation to local authorities.

Only one vacancy is to be filled, that of history instructor, formerly occupied by J. Albert Mac- Tavish. Farmers Retreat Enjoyed The annual Farmers Retreat, given a day by itself in the Epworth Park curriculum this year, was held Wednesday morning and afternoon with great success. Members of Grange, Farm Bureau and clubs from 4-11 the entire county were in attendance. Although subsidiary organizations showed representation, they had no part in the days program.

By far the outstanding entertainment feature was the style show presented by members of the 4-H clubs in the afternoon. Those appearing in the show had previously won prizes for sewing during a morning contest. Rev. W. C.

Patterson Cadiz presented the group with an inspiring address which was greatly enjoyed. Funds Exhausted In Perry County, Will Use Credit Commissioners Allocate Expected State Money in Form of Budget NEW LEXINGTON, July 29-- Until the new state relief commission gets functioning SO that additional funds for direct relief can be allocated, the county commissioners are willing that the township trustees who are in charge of direct relief administration in the county operate credit to take care of needy cases. All funds allowed the commissioners for direct relief became exhausted with last week's distribution. In that the would have something to go what trustees, expense they might incur on credit, the commissioners an allocation funds. It is estimated county will contemplated, receive $21,000 for direct relief purposes for the balance of the year.

This the commissioners divided over a six month's period and allocated $3,513 on a case load of 1171 families, as follows: Bearfield township $228; 8411; Coal $285; Herrison $738; Hopewell Jackson $99; Madison Mondaycreek $78; Monroe $576; Pike $489; Pleasant $150; Reading $75; Saltlick $348; Thorn $21. City Employe Of Cambridge Dies Suddenly Drops Dead While on Duty Wednesday Evening at Water Works CAMBRIDGE, July 29 John Atchison, 69, 1311 Blaine avenue, employed as engineer at the Water Works, dropped dead while on duty Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The body was removed to the McMillen and Scott funeral parlors, South Tenth street, where it was viewed by Coroner R. M. Dix, who pronounced death due to acute dilation of the heart.

Mr. Atchison was in his usual health Wednesday and his sudden death was a shock to his many friends. He had been an employe of the city for many years. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Paul Jones, of Monroe, one sister, Miss Florence Atchison, of the home; three brothers, A.

Atchison, D. A. Atchison and S. Atchison, city carrier, all of Cambridge; one sister, Mrs. A.

Monmail, nin, of Canton, and two grandchildren. The body will remain at the funeral parlors pending funeral atrangements. News Notes of Interest From Fallsburg Clark reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Waddell Sunday, Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest McKee spent the -end with Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Willey. An ice cream social given for the members of the Fallsburg Sunday school was held on the lawn at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Vanwinkle Wednesday night. Home made ice cream and cake was served to 65 members. Mr. and Mrs.

Lester Martin of Newark were Sunday visitors In the homes of S. E. and Earl Mossholder and family, Marian Martin Pattern PATTERN 9941 A fetching bow will fetch a beau choose this jaunty twoyou plecer! There never was a gayer or more style for "TensTeens" its practical cute puffed frock becoming, which may wear sleeves either short or long. And good news for clever Misses, here's, this clear and easy Marian Martin pattern comes a Complete Diagrammed Sew Chart which shows how make this trim frock. The result to, so tailored and smart just twill be the envy of all your friends! "smooth" 1s the fit of Specially the simple and slim skirt with its chic center pleat! Make a version in bright cotton for immediate wear and another in wool-appearing cotton for school! Pattern 9941 may be ordered only sizes 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18.

Size in 16 requires yards 36 inch fabric and yard inch ribbon. Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins for MARIAN MARTIN pattern. Be EACH to write plainly your NAME, sure ADDRESS, and STYLE NUMBER BE SURE TO STATE SIZE Send for your copy of our MARIAN MARTIN PATTERN BOOK today! It how to have style with a shows smile--for every smart, cool model pictured is the easy-to-make, sureto-fit kind that you can run up in time! The latest beach outfits, no dresses, vacation and party clothes, children's clothes, house special slenderizing fashions, fabric news. BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS.

TWENTYCENTS FOR BOTH WHEN ORDERED TOGETHER. Send your order to The Times Recorder, Pattern Department, ZanesPublishing Zanesville, O. TIMES RECORDER PATTERN DEPARTMENT Send coln or 3-cent stamps Pattern Name Street City Size State Quaker City Youth Is Navy Recruit QUAKER CITY, July 29-John Thomas Bundy of this village was one of five selected for the Wheeling tried for navy recruits for August, Bundy will report at Pittsburgh 11. to the final examination Aug. Woman Dead As Result of Leg Fracture Mrs.

J. M. Logan, W.C.T.U. Worker, Taken by Death at Home CAMBRIDGE, July 29. -As the result of a fractured right leg suffered July 19, when she fell from her bed, Mrs.

Vinnie Logan, aged 86, prominent Cambridge resident and w. C. T. U. worker, passed away Wednesday morning at 4:15 o'clock, her home, 126 North Sixth street, She had been in declining health for some time due to infirmities of advanced age.

The deceased was born in Moundsville, W. Aug. 10, 1849, the daughter of Williara and Lydia McParland. When a small child she moved with her family to Cambridge and has resided here since that time. For many years she taught in the Guernsey county schools.

On Jan. 22, 1879, she was united in marriage to J. M. Logan, who WAS one of the directors of the Cambridge Loan Building until his death six years ago. She was a devout member of the First M.

church and devoted her entire life to temperance work. Prominent Farmer Dies Following an illness lasting several Ulysses G. Campbell, 72. weeks, trustee and prominent farmer of Cambridge township, passed away Wednesday morning at 9:25 o'clock, at his home on Cambridge R. D.

3, four miles north of Cambridge, Mr. Campbell was born in the Pleasant Valley community, April 6, 1864, the son of John S. and Elizabeth Oldham Campbell, his entire life in that community. He was engaged in greater part of his life. For many years, he served as trustee of Cambridge township and was a devout member of the First U.

P. church, serving as elder at the time of his death. Condition Fair The condition of Miss Jane Evelyn Travis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Travis.

St. Clairsville, who underwent an emergency operation for a ruptured appendix Wednesday morning at St. Francis hospital, was reported Wednesday evening AS fair. Return From Camp Members of Troup 22, of the First M. E.

church, who have been enjoying a week at Camp Zane, near Zanesville, have returned to their homes here. They were accompanied to and from camp by Harold Rutledge and while there were under the leadership of Joe Hague and Bob Carman, Eagle Scouts, of Cambridge. Man Is Found Dead in Bed Edward Stonaker, Colored, Taken Wednesday McCONNELSVILLE, July 29 Edward Stonaker, colcred, about 80 years of age, was found dead in bed. Wednesday morning at the heme of his daughter, Mrs. Rosa Norman on Lemon Hill.

He had been ill for time, He is survived by four daughters, three sons and a sister. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. Entertains Friends Miss Katharine Brown entertained a few friends recontly in honor of Mrs. Raymond Nutting of Oakland. Cal, 1 During the afternoon contract bridge was three tables.

Mrs. W. D. Danford was awarded the prize for highest score. A guest prize was given Mrs.

Nutting. Mrs. B. C. Valentine cf Mt.

Vernon, N. was an out of town guest. Court News A transcript was filed in common pleas court from L. N. Ecomen's J.

P. court entitled state cf Ohio vs. Carl Altier. He is charged with taking a circular saw which belonged to H. L.

Parker, valued at $40. On arraignment he plead not guilty and waived examination. Bond of $200 was asked and was given. Meeting at Marietta A number cf the members of the Main Street Church of Christ are planning to attend the annual TriCounty meeting of the Churches of Christ of Noble, Morgan and Washington counties to be held next Sunday at Marietta. Personals Dean Calland is spending a few days in Columbus.

Mrs. C. H. Roberts and daughter Vera, of Cleveland, came Wednesday to spend a few weeks at their home here. Mrs.

Miles Woodward of Malta, who has been seriously 111 is Improving and is able to sit up part of the time. DENY MOTION A motion for a new trial in the action of H. C. Pugh and A. A.

Porter, trustees, against Bertha C. Burt, and others was overruled by Judge P. H. Tannehill in common pleas court Wednesday. The case involved question of benefits under the terms of an insurance policy.

ACCIDENT WEDNESDAY Cars driven by Edmund Brookens, 521 Linden avenue, and Charles Frick, Zanesville Route 6, were damaged in an accident late Wednesday at the middle of the bridge. No one was injured. Officers Rider and Lacey investigated the crash. ROBERTS REUNION The Roberta reunion will be held Sunday, August 2, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

George Davis, Mt. Sterling. All relatives are urged to attend. ASSOCIATION SECOND GAMES Minneapolis 1, Toledo 0. Indianapolis 4, Kansas City 3, Mrs.

Monroe Is Taken by Death At Porterville Other News Notes of Interest From Crooksville Neighborhood CROOKSFIELD, July 29-Mrs. 80. died at home at Porterville at 8:30 WednesR long illness due complications, day morning. following The deceased is survived by three sons and two daughters, David, Wiland John Monroe, Mrs. Margaret Hurst and Mrs.

Sarah Rehart, all of the Porterville community. Thirty-two grandchildren and 33 great grandchildren, also survive. The funeral services will be conducted from the Zion church at Porterville, Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock and interment will be made at the church cemetery. Cannon Cannon are in the arrangements. Plan Reunion A special meeting of all old time baseball players of Crooksville and Perry county, including those who have since removed to other locallties, will be held at the Municipal building Wednesday evening, Aug.

5 at 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of arranging for their annual reunion and homecoming to be held here Labor day, Racing Program To Draw Crowd At Monroe Fair Trotting and Pacing Events Will Be Featured on TwoDay Program WOODSFIELD, July 29-A tine racing program has been arranged for the second and third days of the 85th annual Monroe County fair, which will be held August 5 and 6. Races will be called at 1 p. m. each day. The entries for the big event will close on Saturday, August 1st.

The program follows: Wednesday, August 5. 2.24 pace, $250; 2.24 trot, $250, and 2.12 pace, $250. Thursday, August 6, 2.18 trot, $250; 2.18 pace, $250, and 2.12 trot, $250. Mother Dies Word was received in. of the death of Mrs.

J. K. Sawyers, of Marysville, which occurred on Saturday, following a lengthy illness of several months duration. Surviving are her husband and several sons and daughters, among whom is Attorney John K. Sawyers, cf Woodstield.

A. J. Tubaugh Dies The remains of A. J. Tubaugh, of Akron, will be brought to Woodsfield Wednesday afternoon where funeral services will be held at 1 o'clock Thursday, Mr.

Tubaugh passed away uesday following a short illness. Seriously Hurt Word was received in Woodsfield Wednesday that Homer Johnston, a patient in the Martins Ferry hospital, is seriously, 111 at this time. Mr. underwent 8.11 emergency operation for appendicitis the past wack. Beverly Brief Social, Personal Notes BEVERLY, July 29-The Ladies' Missionary society of the Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs.

Carrie Dye on Friday at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Belle Padgitt will the assistant hostess. Attend Reunion Those from Beverly who attended the Johnson reunion at Civitan Park, Marietta, on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs.

M. Martin and daughter. Jeanne Lou, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Martin and son, Dick; H.

D. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs.

Slater Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson and daughter, Frances Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. A.

G. Johnson and daughter, Gertrude. Next year will be held at Dodge Park. Beverly, Move In Village Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd Pierce are moving from the Cheadle house recently purchased by Misses Minnie and Bessie Wright to their own house In Waterford. The Misses Wright will move to their new home at once, in order that Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Allison, who have bought the former Wright house, may take possession. Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Stollar are moving this week from Waterford to the second floor of the Osborne Lawrence house on Main street. Briefs Rev. A. M.

Taylor, pastor of Presbyterian church and Mrs. Taylor, will leave next Sunday for a month's vacation. d. K. Leget and two friends, Dayton, are enjoying a several days' vacation here.

Clyde Slater, Zanesville, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Mary Slater, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Stringer spent the weekend in Canton visiting his brother, Harley and Norris Stringer, and their families. They were accompanied by Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Roush who were guests of Mr. and Mra. Clarence Mills and Mrs. Lena McDonald and family, Miss Alfreda Corner, daughter of Mr.

and Mra. E. P. Corner, 13 seriously ill and confined to her bed. Mrs.

Vesta Sciance, Zanesville, attended the Johnson reunion at Marietta Eunday remained here for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawkins. and Mrs. Coe Allen was in charge of the services at the Mt.

Olive church on Sunday evening. Mrs. Emma Weekley, son and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Kennot Weekicy, Parkersburg, W. Va.

were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Slater Nichols. Dr. and Mrs.

Myron King, McConnelsville, were Sunday evening visttors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Taylor.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fish and two children, Cumberland, were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson.

Miss Mary Armstrong, student nurse at Gallipolis, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Armstrong.

Robert Williams Is Fined For Reckless Driving NEW LEXINGTON--Charged with driving A car without due regard to the safety of others, Robert Williams, city, was fined $10 and costs when arraigned in Justice C. J. Studer's court. fine was suspendupon payment the costs, Williams was arrested in the wake of the recent academy fire, and 18 said to have interferred with the progress of the fire truck causing an accident in which Edward Witliams, a fireman, was injured. Rites Are Friday For Man Killed In Fall of Slate Father of Six Children Dies Instantly When Head Is Crushed NEW LEXINGTON-Charles Roberts, 43, father of alx children, who was instantly killed in a fall of slate at mine No.

90 at Sulphur Springs, near Rendville, will be to rest in the Millertotwn cemetery, near Corning. following funeral services at his home in Millertown at 1 p. m. Frida Roberts died from head Injuries received when leaving the mine operated by the Sunday Creek Coal upon completing the night shirt, Wednesday morning. Rev.

L. A. Bray of the Church Christ in Christian Union, will conduct the services, And burial will be in charge of S. T. Conn, Hemlock funeral director.

Surviving is the widow, Mrs. Merle and the following children: Roterts, Charles Louise, Kenneth, Vada, Ilene and Virginia May, all of the home. Commissioners Fail to Act on WPA Road Plan County Surveyor Offers List of Projects Needing Improvement NEW LEXINGTON- A consolidated road improvement presented to the county commissioners by John W. Taylor, county surveyor, Wednesday, which called for supplemental appropriations 011 numercus projects which were started but not completed for lack of money, and appropriations to several! new projects, The commissioners took no ection on the proposal. The supplemental projects are! Congo side walk; County rond No.

70, Monroe township; slag crusher; Road No. 14. Monroe township; Road No. 10, Coal township Roads No. 102, 114, 361, Clayton township; Road No.

366, Harrison township; Roads 130, 197, 312, Pleasant township. The new projects are: Road No. 22, Bearfield township; Road No. 15 from county road No. 79 to state route No.

37 at Porterville; Road No. 216 In Monroe, Saltlick and Pleasant townships; Road No. 340, Monroe township; Road No. 226, Thorn township; Road No. 119 Reading township; 000 feet guard rail for various parts of the county, and the clearing of right of ways for various parts of the county and -the clearings of right of ways en various projects.

Colored Choir To Sing Sunday Plans Near Completion for Homecoming Plans for the allday church homecoming Sunday, are nearing completion. A colored choir from Barnesville will furnish the music for the evening service. A basket dinner will be the main feature of the noon hour. Mesdames Emma Long, Lillian Roman, Mary Hyde, Stella Watson, Margaret Gibson and Misses Phyllis Roman and Helen Timmons attended the school of mission services Wednesday at Epworth park, Bethesdas Mr. and Mra.

Carlos Lubergh of Stafford were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen House. Dr. and Mrs.

J. L. Roman and daughter Carol, were Zanesville visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Herman Peters of Barnesville, visited Thursday and Friday with Mrs.

Ann Douglass. Brief Mentions From Sonora, 0. SONORA, July 29-Mr. and Mrs. I.

W. Drake and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Drake spent Ganday near High Hill with Lewis Drake and family Marjorie Humphrey has returned to her home here after visiting at Cambridge with Marjorie Smith, Earl Whissel and Elizabeth Galloway spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.

David Lazar of the Chandlersville road. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dirkheimer and children and Miss Anna Birkhelmer spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Clark of East Greenwood. Ray King was a business caller at Zanesville Tuesday. A large number from here attended the quarterly conference at Salem M. E. church Sunday evening, Mrs.

Harold Graham of Pittsburgh la visiting here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Huffman. Friends and relatives here of Mary Bowers, formerly of Gilbert, received word of her death Monday evening. She passed away at the home of her brother, John J.

Eowers at New LexMonday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Reed, Mrs. John Runkle, Mrs.

C. E. Brown and children, Mrs. Clyde Whissel were at Zancsville Tuesday. Mrs.

Lewis Bowers spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnson of near Salem church. Mrs. Virginia Walters and children spent Monday with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Allen of the Boggs road. New Road Will Be Constructed In Noble County Bids Will Be Opened Soon at Columbus for Jerles Improvement CALDWELL. O. July 20 Bids will be received at Columbus and opened on Aug.

14 for the construction of 2.73 miles of road in Stock township, known as the verles road. This sections extends from near the village of Carlisle to the Monroe county line. The Monroe county part road extends from Jerles to Stafford. approximately one mile. This road 13 also known as the Elk Fork and when completed will open large section In southeastern Ohio to improved highways which has been a necesisty for many years.

The project 1s to be completed within 80 days following the letting of the contract. Labor on the project will be supplied by Paul McKee of the U. S. Employment Service and will be made up of local men. Return From West Editor and Mrs.

Jes S. Harris have returned from a tour through Kansas and Oklahoma and a with Governor Alt M. Landon, presidential visit, candidate. They also attended the notification of Gov. Landon held in Topeka lats week.

Mr. and Mrs. Harris were accompanied by the latter's sisters, Mrs. O. G.

Mills and husband, Zanesville, and Mrs. A. Orrison and husband of Coffeyville, Kas. Former Resident Dies Mrs. Harry Sanford of West street has been notified of the death of her brother, Ben Watson, 77, which o- curred Monday at home in Toronto following A long illness.

The deceased was retired farmer and miner and was born and lived many years of his life at Sarahsville. Sustains Fractured Wrist William Rucker of the Rucker Plumbing shop sustained a fractured right wrist Wednesday morning while cranking car. The fracture WAS reduced by Dr. Olen Ball at the Thompson clinic. Belmont County Man Sentenced Gets Indefinite Sentence for Jumping Parole ST.

CLAIRSVILLE, July 29- Earl Brown, Bellaire, was sentenced to an indefinite term at the Mansfield reformatory Judge Clifford L. Belt in common pleas court Wedby, nesday. Passing of sentence on Brown came alter the young man had violated a probation decree on A conviction here two years ago, He is the first prisoner since Judge Belt has been on the bench to violate a probation order. Brown WAS picked up two years ago on charge of breaking and entering the Cloverdale Dairy office at Bellaire, He entered A plea of guilty to the charge and owing to the fact that it was his first offense and that he was the sole support of an aged mother. Judge Belt deferred sentence and released him pending good behavior.

Last week, after being a model young man as far as police records show, Brown was arrested for robbing the De Bols filling station at Eellaire. In view of the fact that he had violated his parole, officials immediately passed sentence on the old charge. Judge Belt, commenting on the case, stated that he deeply regretted having to send the young man to penal institution. He stated his probation tactics were designed to aid unfortunates, who that found until this themselves time all so trusted had made good. "Those that refuse to help themselves when others are trying to aid them must suffer the consequences," he stated.

Plan Reunions Two family reunions have been announced for this section. Hutchison reunion will be held at Wheeling Park Sunday, while the McWilliams Clan meets Aug. 16, at the Smyrna fair grounds, Poplar Ridge POPLAR RIDGE, July 20. Friends of Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Kincald, newlyweds, gathered at their home recently for an old fashioned belling. Mrs. Chester Henry has recovered from an infected hand. Paula, daughter cf Mr. and Mra.

Paul Massey, is recovering rapidly from a foot injury. M. D. Tysinger of Cambridge was recent visitor in this vicinity, Jimmy Massey spent a day recently In Bristol township, where his father is employed. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Copeland attended a birthday dinner Sunday for the latter's father, William Humphrey of near Malta, who celebrated his 81st birthday anniversary, Donald Danford of near McConneisville recently visited at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Walpole. Otho Jones and family attended the McCleed reunion at Embree park Sunday.

Children of Perl Barnhart are reported 111 with whooping cough. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Person and son Keith spent Sunday with Mrs. Parson's father, Earl Kimble, in Jostown.

Mrs. Clarence Ellis and children are visiting relatives in Stockport. Mrs. Gall Norris and son Roland recently visited relatives in Chesterhill. Mr.

and Mrs. Homer Clawson of Indianopolls recently visited the famIly of J. R. Porter. Ottis Kincaid, who 15 suffering from a broken leg and bruises, is reported recovering in Bethesda Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter and daughter Eldonna and Mrs. J. R.

Porter motored to Columbus Saturday to visit Mrs. Frank Porter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Henderson. They also visited at London prison farm.

where Mrs. Porter's uncle, Thomas Jenkins, is superintendent. Rev. and Mrs. Van Artsdalen and three children of New York are visiting the former's parishioners in the Deerfield and Bristol neighborhoods.

To Conduct Tour of City Water Works Site NEW -A tour of the new city waterworks site la to be held Thursday afternoon. All persons interested are asked to meet point on the premises where the dam 13 constructed at 2 o'clock. possible to drive to being, within a short distance of the meeting place where parking facilities are provided. The tour will be the direction of H. C.

McCall, adminisunder, trator, and other relief officials. Possibilities for a city park and community swimming pool as an adJunct to the waterworks project, will be pointed out. Such recreational facilities have long been wanted here. Woman Accused Of Murdering Two Children Gives Bond at Coshocton Court--Has Never Been Tried for Offense COSHOCTON, July 29-Bond of $1,000 had been furnished today for, year Amelia old Rivers. Webb held for Wardrop, more mo than two years in the county Jail and hospital for the criminal insane at Lima.

Mrs. Wardrop was accused April, 1924, in 8 grand jury indietment with the murder of her two children, Mrs. Iona Webb Senter and Herbert George Webb. Brought to trial in August, 1934, on the charge of slaying the daughter by administering white arsenic, the jury disagreed. While she WAS held in jail for trial on the third count in the Indictment charging attempt to kill Charles Hughes, her nephew by the same method, Mrs.

Wardrop suffered a breakdown and WAS taken to Lima. She was discharged from Lima on June 4 "restored to reason" and returned to the county jail here. Officials do not believe it worth while to try Mrs. Wardrop on the third count in the Indictment aince only circ*mstantial 15 1n their hands. She was admitted to bond and will be given her freedom when the bond has been approved, officials said, to go to another where she has obtained a job through Meeting Formation of a national resource council for Coshocton county WAS postponed until next Monday night when a severe storm cut down attendance at the meeting, called for high school auditorium last night, Harley Miller, prominent sportaman, was named temporary secretary.

Other officers will be elected at the organization meeting Monday night. To Make Contract A workhouse contract will be entered into by the city with the Stark county institution as result of action by city council. City Solicitor Robert A. Carton today was preparing an ordinance the mayor to enter into for one year authorizing, after approval of city council Monday night. The city will pay 90 cents per day for each prisoner sent to the Stark county institution under terma of the contract.

Autos Collide Near Flushing Other News Briefs From Belmont County FLUSHING Autos driven by Charles Simpson of Flushing and Lewis Vittroelle of Brooklyn, N. collided last evening at 6:45 o'clock on the Flushing and Holloway road as the latter car turned to pass A parked truck, Both cars were damaged but All occupants escaped injury. Mr. Vittroelle was held to blame and stood good for the damages. Oldest Resident, 90 Mrs.

Melissa Bethel celebrated her 90th birthday anniversary Monday. She is Flushing's oldest resident. Truck Driver Fined C. Ahcraft of Flu.sing, WAS Arrested by Highway Patrolman O. P.

Stephan last evening on the Flushing and Morristown road for allegedly operating a truck without the required amount of lights. He Was fined $10 and costs by Mayor J. W. Whiston of Flushing and made arrangements to pay. Church To Celebrate 100th Anniversary RIX MILLS -The homecoming on Saturday celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Salt Creek church.

Several of the former pastors are exrected to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tom entertained for several days some friends from Wheeling, Mr. and Mrs.

Ernest Watson are the parents of a daughter, born on July 21. Mrs. Watson and little daughter are at Bethesda hospital, being taken care of by her sister, Stella Henderson. a trained nurse. A magician program 1s scheduled for Friday, Aug.

7, at grange hall. He has been prominent in chautauqua work and comes well recommended. The church service will be at the Salt Creek church on Sunday, with special music. Rev. John Morehead will conduct the service, assisted by other visiting pastors.

Mrs. Tillie Weir has been quite sick with chronic indigestion and overflow of -bile. Mrs. Kennedy of Columbus, visited with her granddaughter, Helen Kilke, and attended the play "Brown-eyed Betty" which was exceptionally well produced. Earl Glass has returned home from two weeks' stay at Pittsburgh.

Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Lyons of Cincinnati are spending part of their vacation at Rix Mills.

Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Forsythe and Mr.

and Mrs. Perl Elliot spent Tuesday at Gallipolis. 9941 GIVEN HEAVY FINE Fred Cooper, 28, of 1025 Lee street, charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and intoxication, was found guilty yesterday morning in municipal court and was fined $25 and coats. He was arrested by Officer Courtney Tuesday at the Putnam pumpkin show..

The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.