The Advertiser from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Advertiseri

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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THE ADELAIDE MONDAY OCTOBER 1 1928 SOCIAL NOTES faen THE REGENT THEATRE fcwir! otf YGUffO stowty the CARNIVAL NOVELTIES sirv was Sly area aMeeto) DOE BROS wag Ullireaa A DREAM COMS TRUK YOUNG GIRL AT A Bttfw Gf TACKED ASSAILANT BEATEN ATHER AND SON ARRESTED The new NUGGET tin 3" BOARDERS WAIT ON THEM SELVES SUN MON SAT Smudgy ace RETURN LIGHT POSTPONED Mr iMeoon Mr and rtrinn "You vill be pleased to rw to Particulars LIEBUOY urn A CHINESE CHARGED ll IM! kel A Address LIEBUOY IS A PRODUC) LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED Model' K' 13 sqW How Much Weight Would You Like To Lose In a Week A small boy was walking home from mirew Ttn ms vtoun unoar tus arm when a man crept up betuod IKJROTHY WOOLLEY Athtrulta Moot Beautiful with your wonderful sys tem My friends think ts marvellous" DERBY ta 17M the be elid to send vou free particulars ot ber What she has done for herself and tlu DOROTHY WOOLLEY'S Easy Simple igure Culture System Works Wonder 'risHl JrTif ATTACKED WITH TOMAHAWK ATALITIES AND ACCIDENTS MP'UiM as )r a TarvaMa la iial MM Jaaa Craw Mi matin who tadutf Aaart frawi opens with a twist A CYCLISTS fePINE INJURED Mr Rowe 36 toolmaker Cor delia crescent indon was admitted to the Adelaide Hospital on Saturday evening Buffering from injuries to the spine He was unable to negotiate a bend at Unwood Bridge near Tem plars when competing in the Clare to Adelaide cycle race cm Saturday and crashed into the bridge DCtTOU KNOW THIS ABOUT TEA! mr nsr ran oT LOW PRIG4 ALLEGED SHEEP STEALING BARRIER HOTEL STRIKE THE SOUTHERN CROSS October 4 Mrs Williamson will be at home an Tuesday October 9 afternoon and evening at It Salisbury terrace CoUlnawood LALL1AMCE RANCAISE Alliance rsncaise will hold a social on Wednesday evening the Adelaide Womens Club Hlndiev treet The programme will include a comedy one act "Les Tourterelles an account of a Javanese fete an ex tract iram "Une Petite Histoire des JuUa and musical items and efrar iuqtHi cf piak rr trU Mon rt4j Ecfarr ft Krigw? 1: At ata 4t derful methods so simple and gentle ana natural anicn Dorothy woouey to superb figure and health have caused society and he has amaviftelv RurMAsfnl women everyworrr TUES WED THUR R1D Only young tea buds from the finest hill top gardens of the East enter packet of Bushells Bllb Labfx Tea These tender shoots are cured with the greatest care to retain the rich flavors inally so that unnecessary bitterness shall not mar enjoyment they are freed from dust by multi refining a Bushcll process Anyone who tastes for the first time a cup of Bushells Blue Label Tea instantly I Zff appreciates ns nne uavui him Hatched the tMtranaiL and4 It sounds like a dream ecase true at mall tava lika ta imagine such a thelt while practicing os the piano At home but It never happens it dreadful I play just the tiniest bit without getting into an awful mess But got Lifebuoy That makes little smudgy faces shine again Keeps them slowing with health Real health or Lifebuoy is a healthful soap It routs germs of disease as quickly as it cleanses Its free lather makes perpetual job much easier And its generous size keeps down her household bills Dorothy Woolley will igure Culture Sy Mm aands of other she wilt also do for you pui in and port Ute Coupon to day and vou will get fun inforws'ion by return port lumn ocilmto IM RUNDLE STREET DOROTHY WOOLLEY Argus Chambers 219 ElttAbeth strecl SYDNEY Dear IXiroihy Woolley Please send me full partlculare of your wonderful igure Culture System 1 enclose lid stamp for pert age Name Wellington September 30 Thf return flight of the Southern Cross over the Tasman has been post poned Preparations were made yes terday for a start at 5 o'clock this inonung on a report that the weather conditions were likely to be favorable out Uier the outlook became leas favor able and a postponement was decided upon The meteorologist 'Mr Kid aon this afternoon expressed Ue opinion that conditions were not likely to permit a start on Monday they lefr the Hwch ihff br4ffff hr a Laidlaw Mr and Mrs Lindley Laidlaw Miss Laura Jackson Mra Mort lock Mr Mortlock Mrs Steele Scott Mias Scott Mr and Mra John Love Mrs Skottowe Mrs rank KymUI Miss Madge Rvuull Miac Jtu rwortiu Mr and Mra Wood Mrs Kenneth sTreloar Mis Bowden Mrs Matthews Mrs Heuzenroeder Mias Phyllis Heuaen roeder Mr and Mra Jollv sen Mr nauceg purtUt That Biw Label Taw la ea pure aad Haft tbaa smnpared with erdlaary Melbourne September 30 The arrest of Edward Joseph Good orchardisl and fanner of Tamtaick and his aon rederick Roa Good by the WangaraUa police an' charges of sheep stealing created a sensation on Saturday There are 80 sheep and lambs at the Wanxaratta police station and it is alleged that they are the pro perty of Brien graiter that they were stolen by the accused Bric owns extensive areas of land in the vicinity of the Warby Ranges on which be runs lam numbers of sheep Good sen also haa pbperty abutting the ranees and is a successful orchardlst AT THE THEATRE ROYAL There was a splendid attendance at tho Theatre Royal on Saturday nicht when Lina Bcavttrt made bet tareweu aooearance in "Andrea Chenier" As it features aria just prior to the Re TOkrtioa the first act afforded great Maps tor smart tracking of tbe pcaau bated Scavttzl plays her stench rtiaractfn with golden hair and she lortted very charming as Maddalena rnT tai the Oral act when she was gowned in while lace over white satin eapgbt at intervals with pink rosea and was a eoupto of rasa in her curia on the tert slST Doria Mclnnes as the Cmmtees was wearing a wonderful tail otto of royal Hue and gold brocade over a gold lace uraterakirt and two bea tiful rare pink ostrich feathen at tne ride of her powdered hair His Ex Mdcney the Governor was present ctanpanted by Dame Nellie Melba George AriMtraog nd Miss Denise Dbiy Others in the audtenee ineluded Lady Btapoon Howland Mias Gillam Mra Roy Milne Mia Norn Herring Mr sod Mrs Hammond Mr and Mrs Oswald Tipping Dr A oweU Mrs ete Dr and Mra Muir tM Mr and Mra Dudley Hayward Mr and Mra Cave Mias Mary Cave Mr and Mra Collier Cudmore Dr and Mra Leonard Trott Mr Ounecn Dr Oeraid Hayward Mr and Mra Scarfe Mra Clifford Deeiey Mra Dean Dawson Mra Glen Legoe Mia Dean Rev I Barker steth Mr Gordon Sumer ir ar Mr rank WlUcox Dr and Mra Herbert Shcmey Mr and Mra A Roupell Mr and Mra Laing Mra Georee Turn buA Mtes Ada Bonythoa Miss Joan Btneaton Mr Campbell Mr and Mra rank Whyte Mr and Mra Harald Bickford Mra George raser Mtes Rath Hope Dr and Mra A Gil bert Sir rank and Lady Moulden Mr and Mra Goodman Mrs Gecne Aldridge Mrs Walker Mra Llrton Mr and Mra Leslie rayne Mra WintaiiMm Mr end Mra WARE Dartav China were started hat the derma which the finest work supposed to have been produced was from 1770 to 177S The Crown Derby period followed between 1785 and 1796 A very wide variety of eeqoistte patterns and coion always in good taste are credited to thia ware although comparatively it is one ofbe youngest of famous porceJaia ft Brisbane September Hox a dor by licking a plate from I which Joseph Jamea a deaf bootmaker was eating a meal precipitated a toma hawk attack in which James was dan gerously wounded was related tn 'the Charlevitle Police Court yesterday when Harrv Conietoo a Chinese charged with assault Conietoo and Janies sere eating a meal in the dry bed of the Warrego River wltti Cometoo's deg licked James's plate James upbraided his mate and re sumed the meat but a moment lair was struck dcrn from behind with 4 tgniAliaX Conietoo Wgi remB4g Broken Hill September 30 The at Tike of employes in hotels con tinues and there is little indication of an early settlement Union leader nr: asking fellow unionists Dot to drink in "black" houses but up to date the ap peal has not been fult successful At the request of the Town Employes' Union carters are not delivering liquor supplies to "black" houses and yester day bakers refused to deliver bread to some places Licensees however will keep their boarders provided the bourrfers wio include many commercial travellers io the big residential hotels continue to wait on themselves at tables and make their own beds IXa hrTtr Mt IrirkH in lurtia "r' tcilh ci'H lu'l rap nh ivrfci tr msiinac1' Ht hert tmc li in pinsnh a lui to mitrli and 'inhd i bmit rnL pj T7i I nun Ur Mac xhllti and Mr ItortaHr DornrgTY rmal SngtV I h'lrc Mr John rrimaa iid Irek rtkr danc an nrMrtr Jh A (awph ll id Uennt rt iranl rdkhrM rha brM triwk 4 in abll i rt Atn nth aiticr inaav and (tonkin? atxl GIRL STRUCK BY MOTOR Myrtle Saunders 13) of Wright street Adelaide was playing in th street near her home with some other children on Bunday afternoon when she was struck by a motor car driven by Mra lanagan of Glenelg It is understood that the child unexpec tedly ran across the road and Mra lanagan was unable to avoid a col lision Mrs lanagan took tbe girl to Lhe residence of Dr Jose who ordered her removal to the Children't Hospital The child's condition was described as serious last night She was suffering tram severe bead in juries and was in a semi conscious state leneuve Smith Dr and Mra Edgar Brown Mra Campbell Mr and Mrs Glover Mr and Mra DavMson Mr and Mra Howard Mil Gertrude Bgice Mia Eileen George and Mra VIVIAN LEWS LTDANN'S MOTO RS BUILDINGS RAXXUftn AqELAlDE CmL 5221 Blame yourself if you remain over weight for you can now weigh what you should without taking drugs re ducing salts Turkish baths or star vation diets There is nothing which adds to a woman's see so much as fat A few extra pounds makes any woman look from five to ten years older Dorothy Woolley "Australia's Moot Beautiful Model" and igure Culture Specialist offers vou freedom from excess fat You can now quickly aid easilv have the slender fashionable figure that is so attractive The won i liave enabled secure such such exuberant a sensation in now made he: system availab' you can a navy hat hat Mrs Cornell vat vetnnft a large petunia hat with a sable dyed ermine coat Mrs Adams was in a black aattn frack with ahlte a eu Bette trdar week st Cheltenham I vest ana a duck nat mixs aaaoge Try w'y cnewnnam raeegoers rmek ermsanerea um atnrm a record but at the BnS ro mZ hat msts wen was in a smart little fawn check I talizv marie aritn a Banana na to match Mrs Monsn was wear ing a squirrel eoat and a black straw hat Mra Lance Lewis looked well in an old gold crepe de chine jumper suit worn with a hat to match Mra Mr IrwiJ wore a black marocain frock relieved with pate pink geomtte and a wide brimmed tenkok hat Mra Grant Matheson was in a anart navy doth eoat with kilted aide panels and a fetch fur eollara and she wore a navy felt hat Mra Hill Smith was wear tog a navy tailored eoat and a close fitting navy hat Mra Walter Duncan cbose a light brown velour eoat with a rtooe marten fur and a brown bat Mtes Betty Bonytbon wore a bois de rase velour coat trimmed with fawn fox fur and a velour hat to match Mia Ultaa Hawker' brown tailored tweed coat was worn with a brown straw bat Mtes Isabel Hawker was in a grey 'weed coat over a blue mtro cain frock and she wore a blue ban kok hat Mia Ruth Hope was woariiM a coral pink maraeata frock beneath a neutria fur eoat ber bat was a grey straw Mns Dora Morris was in a leo ana a oewe nat mo ne wore a brown mua a brown fett hat Mra Douglas Moody was wearing a navy repp coat frock with a navy velvet bat Mra A Cutten's Nack tailored coat was worn with a fawn bankok hat Mra Leslie Cowan chore a floral rtny velvet eoat with a fawn fur collar an her straw hat toned in shade Mia Abson Wood was in a green doth coat and a felt bat to match Mtes Louie Sandiaon's grey tailored suit was worn with a grev felt bat Mtes Martel Stott a nary marocain toilette trimmed with white fur and a large navy hat Mr Keith Angas wore a black and yellow crepe de chine frock with a black cloth coat and a mall black felt list Mrs A Lvnch looked well in a biscuit toned marocain toilette with hat to match Mra Allan Mcarlane wa wearing a biaek cloth tailored suit witn stone marten fur and a Mack Vali huntai bat Mrs Cudmore choee a nary velour coat and a navy and white straw baL Mra Porter's fawn marocain cogt frock was worn with a blue and fawn spotted scarf and a fawn straw hat Mra Hugh Craw ford was in a grey tailored tweed suit a stone marten fur and a biaek hat Mrs Norman McBride was wearing a black face cloth suit and a small black hat Mrs Stanley Stump wore a aman nattier blue tailored suit and a felt hat to match Mrs Martlock was in a handsome fawn marocain toilette worn with a crimson velvet hat Mr Roy Bunton's bright navy crepe de chine frock was smart and her navy straw hat was wide brimmed Mrs Arry Cowan wore a beige doth coat with bat to match and stone mar i ten furs Mrs A Tennant was wearing a Mack satin frock with cape i effect and an ermine collar and her nat was a black velour Mrs Armstrong chore a beige embroidered ckxh coat trimmed with white fox fur and comnlcted the toilette with a beige Mra Reginald walker was V'JHiA tn uijs and is nd Ikxi i fQulinr tb miMir nlLIt NUL in th Mvpn IrirtK i lurtll or t' tm I Uh 1 lr 1 MsrMjIon rttiv tndto in Lih'V Mu fM ier4Ln it 4 (Vtvg nH nd drf WEDDINGS KiKEkMlXX Ifcari rtrtwj a liw wedding tjok el Otte Ewhrt eHnl dvorhter Mix Ukenntui TU Geot Th cbut enced St it bride' tnrtin rt eddiac Mw4 mb The bride Tnterrd eiurr) vtrw IHb is tract wbita rear: tfri Miir Uct rlrrlined with ctrp 4 thw the hkj lent am wj net felua 'train C'it'd 4 wht ta!) and rt onbi MjUen tuir 2a Ulr boe we Th brides S88 rwra" irom 2 to 8 lb a week stronger and healinier You'll look years younger Your eyes will sparkle anew your skin will clear and folds and lines will vanish Complexion health and figure are improved at tbe same time The result is better health new vitality and greater sonal charm Tasks once hard become eay and life worth wiitle idles are writing every day teliinq ol Hie success of the system Mrs DMT of Queanbeyan NS "I now weigh 9 st 3 )b so I have reduced my weight bv well ove four stone'' Mrs A of Warrackna beal Vic says: "I am quite satis fied for I have lost 2 st 3' lb In weight and am feeling and tookln: m'ich better" Miss GD of Balranald NSW reports: Send for REE MelboumeBeutember 30 A young girl's pluekr fight against an assailant was related to the police yesterday On the previous night a girl of 13 residing with ner parents at Richmond was sent for scene milk and on returning home paged a vacant shop at tbe corner of Church street and Kingrton street A man was standing in tbe ttoa way 1 ot this shop ana before the star led! girt could realise what was happening she was seized and dragged into a rear room of tbe shop She restate 1 strongly and her assailant struck her twice on tbe face The girl thought of the jug which she was still carry tag ta her hand and brought it down with such force upon the man's face that tbe jug was broken to piece Meanwhile she had been calling out loudly for assistance Becoming alarmed her assai'ant whose face had Been badly cut by the broken jug ran out ot tbe shop The lock of the shop had been broken be forehand and the man had apparently 1 lam in wait for his vicum I Oldsmobile six nou on display al wtth skunk far collar and cuffs and ber felt hat was tbe aame tone Mias Estelle Edwards wore a fawn frisca coat frock and a navy velvet hat Miac Molly Hili was tn a Scotch tweed coat trimmed with brown leather and she wore a brown felt hat Olbera present included Major and Mra Uoyd Mr and Mra Cudmore Mr Irwin Mr and Mrs A Rfriliaon Mr Villeneuve Smith Mr and Mrs A Bowman Misses Eva and de Rose Mr and Mra Mcarlane jux Mines Gwen and Joan Goc iman Mr Andrew Tenmn' Mr Martlock Mr and Mra Nat vmumwu MT MOTT1B and Jf Darby Mr Aldridve Mr nraa ew a a iMaiina nant Mtes Barker Mr Hargrave Mr and Mra Compton Trew Mr Crsnagh Mr and Mra Geoffrey Wardle Mr and Mrs A Edwards jba aw ga rwman rw Bray Mtes Phyllis Bray Mra ick Mr Hugh Crawford Mia Crawford Mr Leslie Bickford Mr rtwwwe BrauzMl Mtaa iMte Mr Rewtaald Walker Misses' Andrew Mr Stump Mr A Toll and Mr and Mra Ijve 'h 01 I tllJl Th ua! tTM Wrt bet 4 The brrk'T ctr i' cmnm i iia rar I the smcwi't ace th hril wj 1 Mixfrwr tike tat KiH rlnjrd th It wrrt eir! Bt bJr rHj 't 'rT stlr eratnm with im hirer irtt nrar shire they itl i wd xwi and tv i Hr I rhkoihjr lCani with A CHILD KILLED Brisbane September Supping from tbe running board of a motxM truck of Charters Towers Samuel Bowen (41 fen beneath tbs rear wheel He was dragged several yards before tbe vehicle could be stopped He sustained fearful injuries and died in a few minutes bottiur i rt frra r'i rhp a bktdeaux cf tv Th brio 's frckM aMm a ajrirmn yt4 Mr A Morison left by the exprert on Sunday for Melbourne Mra Arthur Drenpon jun is in jv Mtotote WeMt' Melbourne on a holiday anri UamM xi Mra Roberts of Winchester street SL Petero is a guest ot the Rev ana Mrs Nesbit White of Hallett Mia Helen BoDen of Woodrille ts tn Melbourne staying at tbe Windsor Hotel Mra McKay and Mr aud Mrs A Mmtera have returned to James town after a visit to Mr and Mrs ScbotTOft of Wallaroo The anarrtage of Kathleen Irene elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Rob tnaon of Harrow road St Peters and Stanley Heathcote fourth son of the late Mr and Mrs Vivian Lewis ot Unley will be celebrated at the Kent Town Methodist Church on Tuesday run tog The Avalon Danee Club Will eonctad? their 192 season by holding a "Long Rainsford Mra Stoddard Mr i I II LOSS A THUMB KtdkaaaL BeMember While rolling down scrub on the fann rTTi I biii tr nruce inorason on weoncaaa cinnamon velour coat ana a Drawn xtr John Dteane rot the thumb of ms ngnt nana caugnt owing to ue hones moving white he was attendnm to a breakage Realising jhat il re was no other way of releasing huti self he cut off the thumb with the aid of his pocket knife and then rode two miles home Dr Richards treated tne injury in the Lameroo Hospital A ALL DOWN A WELL Pcnoug September 17 On Mondav evening Mr Murray owner of Penoug StationMisted by Messrs Hammond mo thers was attending to weh about seven miles frees Penang One of the Hammoods was down the well and the other was letting Mr Murray down when the windlass broke allowing him to fall about 15 feet The weu wv about 38 feet deep The barrel of the windlass fell down the well on the top of Mr Murray Mr Hammond drove into Penrmg returning with the doctor and policeman Arter he had been down about an hour Mr Murray was hauled up it was found that be was eonseiouB though weak He was badly bruised about tbe legs and some bones were broken in his left foot our stltctec were inserted in the back of his head Mr was removed to tbe enoog Hospital THROWN ROM A SULKY tat Ptrte September 30 Mrs Violet Davidson of Solomon town accompanied by a lady friend eras driving horse attached to a sulkv on Saturday morning and when turn mo euraer irom uien street to Alexander slreet the horse slipped and felL Both occupants were thrown on the roadway AaWsncr was quickly fortboMning from bystanders iMn Davidson was taken Into Mr rancKs chemist shop in an unconscious eon ditlou Dr Tlsste was sent for and after attention both ladies were able to proceed home Tbe shafts of the sulky both broke off AT THE HUNT CLUB RACES The weather seems to be out of sym pathy with rare meetings On flat I IlMllli Inua3 raawnra ioe stormy conditions were 31 COranMtVlIl Ml a itnunoer ana ngntning were quite the i worst that have been experienced for a iMbtf Knaa VW a maw giiE mm raLT run when the norm vu at lu height and it wu impoettbie to distinguish the riders Many remained in tte grand stand tbe whole afternoon Mr rai Whyte (president) and Mra Whyte entertained his Excellency the Gover nor who was accompanied by Dame Nellie Melba Mra George Armstrooi and Mtes Denise Daly Mra rank Whyte wore a smart fawn root ovre a blue and betee toilette and her hat was in the same two shades Dame Nellie Melba was wearing a bot tle green ensmble coat effect and anail black felt hat The Lady Mayoress Mra LArtngtoa Bonythoo) wore a modish beige Kaski frock wtth red wool stitching and a smart biaek benkek hat with one of the new eye veils Mrs Armstrong was in a navy emembte and a pale blue felt hat appliqued to navy Mtes Denise Daly chose a red eoat trimmed wtth brown fox fur and she wore a brown reloar hat Mtes Muriel Han was in a navy silk coat and a navy hat en suite Miss Gwen Hall was froctad in a navy crepe de chine with vesc ot biscuit georgette and she wore a navy straw hat Mrs Erase Lux moore wore a naw and petunia crepe de ehine frock with a navy blue hat i Mra 8 Jacob chore a biaek maro cain toilette rmbroi dried in white and wore a biaek bankok hat Mra Harald Bickford was wearing a black etoth root wtth a black velour hat Mra sul Teeadate Smith was In a brown musquash eoat and a brawn velour hat Mra A Tbil's biaek maraeata eoat was worn over a black and pink frock I and ber large black straw hat was lined with ptnk Mrpetta Mra Leslie Bick ford was ta a navy tailored suit with stone marten fur and a navy felt hat Mra A Benson worie a smart btack maroeatn coat over a black mn tte and her hat was a wide brimmed Nack bankok Mm George Bnumd Ml twa lalmakfe Grata Mra van Benden Dr and chine and wnre a black atra ha sera A Lynrtu JSr Loute Mr Mra romxi Hardy was in a heipe eoat and Mrs red Cornell Mbs Ethel and skirt worn with a betee straw King Mr Kind Mr Robert Bender 1 hat Mra AJbvn Ranbne ehose a son Mra Tennant Mtesea Love Mra betae de rose velour coat trimmed wtth Bernard Dawson Mr and John i rrey fur and ber hat was a rust red urm mmb unw nwwr mr irv mi uace Aa with mole fur and her bat waa a Mr Arthur mnrnn ihpi iiiri WWK UUUni' WM kl AMwn LWVCM LMiMtayxs Mi Simpson Mr and Mra VU coat with stone marten furs and a tetwuve Smith Dr and Mrs Edgar fawn bankok hat Mra Percy Stone's mastic cloth coat and skirt were worn with a hat en suite Mrs A Ln mm an rhnaM a naw tailfirad suit and i I wise rwj'iirtK OUVT1 ETUD OT IDE Mr Thomson on Wedncedaj Mr ana Mra Lieuneau Mr and Mra Duffield Misses Bennett Mr ana Mrs A Chapman Mr and Mra Reid Miss Reid Mias Edna Laurence Dr and Mra O'Donnell Mr and Mrs Charles Schilsky Mr Mel rare Mr and Mrs Ward Mrs Buddy Mr and Mra Holden Miss Mar garet Holden Mr and Mrs A Webb Dr and Mrs Ernest RusseU Mr and Mra lAybourne Smith Mr and Mrs Lance Addison Miss Heather Daw Mr Roy Taylor Mra Poulton Muses Poulton Miss O'DonneU Miaret lannagaa Miss Duncan Mr end Mra Lewis Mimes Doreen and Leonore Walsh Mr and Mrs Milne Miss Maude Puddy Mra A Richardson Mra Hamilton Misses Waite Mr and Mra McBride Dr and Mra West mi Vvaisd Prih wt 9 1 I JJP Mr wearing a blue face cloth coat trimmed i a rain aa we sxuuuHni witn mm MWht" At thft MAflnfflhe H1H Mnirv i Utea UmU Rff avwi kiri Braeh nwL Torrensville on Thureday Mra Compton Trew MteapaS war Tin I Sgg 3 1 i fttfcrt Hem Vl TS Mtvtter AmH hr tarty pgcaHitr AM avKAtMea fWiirUrta 2 ft KB UU999P agf i HMCWrw to 4rty ani eWtste BfeftsM Uff ftckl ISHrrra A tatKlakx A 4 irtsav 'S ir I Tea Quality i i 1 I I I a ri a aaMMraaaLa ransjsu rujiuaa rtW at ms DM st news TVawv OMV4S srvwa Uta DrttMD baw SvOaiwO saaw to nW youag saisaraa anoppM MaPe aa saw iae hum lh tea ptaM to ta tai Burtt of mV taZoa" tasa me ms lheir treahnsra have the richest aw iw tevra amr kava ba to Os mb law Set tea wvaaiew ana That SLOW eusta ft tare raw Imvod ImpriMM their rteh ftioos fiaTtl 7 awswatre teaaiy arm MM sBaa iM Bnri a taa wary i raws ta a Mentos acBteaM UWOiMib tea Wtoto CaOto vM" to a i I alas mm ia aaifirt ato imaiiiiii kaae ig te as swap at a wstejr 1 Stoaa to IM aMWC adteitotosao Oer HMSalto as lBa gw MMniW The ms yra forty mars supa to nu £J7s ft Buff ft NW ABV to am as aril raa samara taftNA tag to ys ajggrSatetoamastw aolM Butaih fhio Label? mm Saavaaaa to mtery ter mam rito am to Baqaari WaSr kamto Jw laeaum nw aalea BamaatM" SvM a tote urtoaHas Ost ka Sri HSWtoa avaM tea num a tea vtoUa uM Mia tantoL veruaatarir Ma to teato alana am a wart at art The Ma araaaatatim is teatara at tee B'Sial waarsw sad Oysssada" seraae Sr Ur hrt Wart vaa avD to to tea Marta rd Tte a mm VMS wrto MM a ssswaa mh shiww rw Mart at MS' trtilrt akirts art haw ttteea iM aato uaa to i iurw ar to battese aatos Tea Saatoar Bwaaaa Saartas a aaews to aert aUarto art BUM Its Mua Mama area to warhaS laM Um awtoar art waaMasa Oj Ma asaart wmu to earart rate ta ite Madter' ter Orta naSaiiU ana a asua asaa a at tea Saaat Mf to BDeBmeW a litttos fortm ateah swat sresal to any wbs leva a tel ra tail ma mimm atea haa rteart rtB wrtWt taf bb4 frimi Uv tea st tea aawra art ia laaaaMi MM aoam eraw ta ariv ma aavaaw Te aaary at tea rtrtv Crt SISA srtei Dew mptert tetod wOaea waa re daws to Ute to stare is wartad aat wtta A 14 ims fotere arert MuteWa detail ia tea Matsra Mr Daare cwmrrv wwa 1 Jart SMM art Me Orweai mh orsssrr tort to iipmilU ra aareaa ssaa Savaa tee i Um ms toe tWDSea sf tea warded Me at la awaeewd a (tawr a IS ware aa etoMaa Tka wdd aaanw rt So rare Maa itovs wM snm Odaiity art '4 te Matora to aw to waaeAtec hto etort to dtoOB was weutag ft DO 1 9 i la ra i Ih i roaicM ragkMVl 1 9TJ la toairh complrt her iriir? it II ar krrwn pvi a red Mw vr dr ai ii IV awl o' balrn ill ra nation and ra wit '1 "nvMtoa TtonMBw sp aoa i met awl i BW 4 fawn and earrM A 4 era Sttrr4 by A clhW I SorMlv haT Ik rW Vvr XV I A it dft fttes! 1 I i 'hrir boerv wy paid i Betty quasi ft A LU A' rtstete" 4w 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lsaiir tax IfoXl 1 te 14 A 1 i I I I I You can te I 1 iXJ SOA.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.